Cabinet: A Turkish-German Bazaar
by garajistanbul and Theater Freiburg
Concept by Viola Hasselberg Artistic Direction Mustafa Avkıran, Övül Avkıran, Björn Bicker, Michael Graessner, Viola Hasselberg, Peter Kastenmüller Texts Written by Björn Bicker, Şirin Ertemur Toprak Stage and Costume Design by Michael Graessner Music by Nuri Harun Ateş, Selçuk Artut, Bernadette LaHengst Choreography by Övül Avkıran, Monica Gillette, Mihran Tomasyan Video Selçuk Artut, Monica Gillette Performers Selçuk Artut, Nuri Harun Ateş, Anna Böger, Fatih Gençkal, Monica Gillette, Michael Graessner, Bettina Grahs, Viola Hasselberg, Bernadette La Hengst, Peter Kastenmüller, Mihran Tomasyan
Produced by Theater Freiburg & garajistanbul
Duration: 120’
This theatre project by the Theater Freiburg and garajistanbul focuses on ten German and ten Turkish public icons from the world of politics, entertainment and media. A German-Turkish group of actors, dancers, musicians and video artists acquainted themselves with the other culture's "cabinet" of celebrities in joint trips, workshops and rehearsals. The resulting scenes and images of these cultural identities coalesced into a theatre production.
How do ‘the Others’ comment on my cultural identity?
Do ‘the Others’ explore a new unconventional aspect of my identity?
How are our icons redefined by ‘the Others’?